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Mozilla Firefox 40.0正式版发布

2015-8-13 06:05| 发布者: | 查看: 68| 评论: 0

摘要:   Mozilla 今日发布 Mozilla Firefox 40.0 的正式,基于 Gecko 40 内核开发,新版对 Windows 10 的支持度进行了优化,并加入了下载软件时的安全保护功能,新设计的标签页可以自动判断和展示您认为感兴趣的内容,广 ...

  Mozilla 今日发布 Mozilla Firefox 40.0 的正式,基于 Gecko 40 内核开发,新版对 Windows 10 的支持度进行了优化,并加入了下载软件时的安全保护功能,新设计的标签页可以自动判断和展示您认为感兴趣的内容,广受期待的多进程特性目前还没有带来。


  What’s New

  • New

    Support for Windows 10

  • New

    Added protection against unwanted software downloads

  • New

    Suggested Tiles show sites of interest, based on categories from your recent browsing history

  • New

    Hello allows adding a link to conversations to provide context on what the conversation will be about

  • New

    New style for add-on manager based on the in-content preferences style

  • New

    Improved scrolling, graphics, and video playback performance with off main thread compositing (GNU/Linux only)

  • New

    Graphic blocklist mechanism improved: Firefox version ranges can be specified, limiting the number of devices blocked

  • Changed

    Add-on extensions that are not signed by Mozilla will display a warning

  • Changed

    Smoother animation and scrolling with hardware vsync (Windows only)

  • Changed

    JPEG images use less memory when scaled and can be painted faster

  • Changed

    Sub-resources can no longer request HTTP authentication, thus protecting users from inadvertently disclosing login data

  • Changed

    NPAPI Plug-in performance improved via asynchronous initialization

  • HTML5

    IndexedDB transactions are now non-durable by default

  • HTML5

    Implemented AudioBufferSourceNode.detune to modulate playback rate in cents, a logarithmic unit of measure used formusical intervals

  • Developer

    Improved Performance tools in the developer tools: Waterfall view, Call Tree view and a Flame Chart view

  • Developer

    Console API messages from SharedWorker and ServiceWorker are now displayed in web console

  • Developer

    Inspector now searches across all content frames in a page

  • Developer

    New rules view tooltip in the Inspector to tweak CSS Filter values

  • Developer

    New page ruler highlighting tool that displays lightweight horizontal and vertical rules on a page

  • Fixed

    Kannada text does not display properly in built-in pdf viewer

  Known Issues

  • unresolved

    If Firefox is restarted from an add-on install notification, on-going private browsing downloads might be canceled without warning (1185294)





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